eLPA Technology
Current LPA (Paper)
- Paper checklists/ K-Board 100%
- Audits take too long/ Too busy
- Some do focus on personnel not process
- Driven by Quality / Lack of coordination or structure
- No Dashboard
- Data errors/ No reminders
- Limited access (at the Gemba)
- Manual data entry
- Able to be penciled whipped
- Nothing is done with the results
- Processes will tend to drift over time (Unstable)

eLPA (Digital)
- 100% Digital (IOS/GooglePlay App)
- eLPAs will be 5-10 Questions (5-10min)
- Operators are happy and engaged (L0)
- LPAs will focus on the process (not on delivering standards or people)
- Real-time/instant results from anywhere for the management team
- Workflows paper-free & Data flow restored
- PDCA in action; Action Plans and Mitigation
- Compliance verification rooted in standard work
- Reduces LPA times up to 75% on average.
- Costs less than $10 per month per auditor
- Upload templates in minutes, and start eLPA within an hour
- Encrypted and secured data